Recent Projects

Overview of Recent Projects


Water & Sewer

New Water Transmission Main 2011 - 5.5M
New Water Transmission Main 2013 - 6.5 M
Water Treatment Facility - 6M
Waste Water Treatment Facility - 4 Phases - 10M


Twinning of TCH - 2 Phases - 13.5M
TCH Reconstruction - 5.5M
Corner Brook Municipal Paving Programs - 5 years
TCH Reconstruction - 6M

Heavy Civil

Deer Lake Airport Runway Extension - 10M
Nalcor Access Rd Construction - 2.5M
Daniel’s Harbour Bypass Rd - 5M
Robin Hood Bay Waste Disposal Site - 1 Phase - 7M
Central Waste Management - 2 Phases - 4M

Marine: Dredging & Breakwater

Port Harmon Reconstructed Breakwater - 2.5M
Fox Island River - 1M
Codroy Breakwater Construction & Dredging - 1.6M

Serving Newfoundland and Labrador Since 1989